

Learn Arabic with the help of our native Arab instructors. You will learn to communicate, read, write, and speak Arabic fluently. This course will take you from the absolute beginner to the fluent

These are Foundation to Advanced Arabic Language Courses.

Course Overview

Our Arabic language course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive
understanding of the Arabic language, from the basics to advanced levels. The course is
tailored to meet the needs of students of all levels, including beginners, intermediate, and
advanced learners. Our experienced instructors use a variety of teaching methods, including
interactive lectures, and practical exercises, to help students develop their language skills.

Course Outline

Level 1 (Beginner)

Level 2 (Intermediate)

Level 3 (Advanced)

Course Benefits

– Improve your communication skills in Arabic
– Enhance your understanding of the Arabic Language
– Enhance your understanding of the Holy Quran
– Connect with the global Arabic-speaking community

Course Duration

The course duration is 12 months, with two sessions per week. Each session is one hour long.

Course Materials

The course materials include textbooks, workbooks, and online resources, such as audio and
video recordings, and interactive exercises.

Teaching Methods

The course will be taught using a combination of interactive lectures, online educational
games, and practical exercises. Students will have the opportunity to practice their language
skills through conversations, role-playing activities, and writing exercises.


Students will be assessed on their progress throughout the course through quizzes, exams, and assignments. The evaluation will be based on the student’s ability to understand and apply the language skills learned in the course.


Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion, which will acknowledge their achievement and demonstrate their proficiency in the Arabic language.

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