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The Evening Adhkar

The Evening Adhkar

The Evening Adhkar In Islam, the term “Adhkar” holds a great significance. The word Adhkar, derived from the Arabic root “Dhikr,”translates to remembrance or mention.

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The Morning Adhkar

The Morning Adhkar

What is the meaning of  Morning Adhkar? Adhkar is the plural form of the Arabic word Dhikr, which means remembrance of Allah (SWT).It is a

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Repentance in Islam

Repentance in Islam

Repentance, known as “Tawba,” in Arabic, is the act of acknowledging one’s sins, feeling remorseful for them, and seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT). Repentance or

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The Six Pillars of Iman

The Six Pillars of Iman

The Six Pillars of Iman Islam encompasses several fundamental beliefs that form the core of the religion. These beliefs are shared by Muslims worldwide and

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The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam are the five fundamental acts of worship that are considered obligatory for every Muslim. These pillars provide a framework for

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