
Courses for New Muslims

Are you new to Islam? We have created a specific curriculum just for you to help you learn everything there is to know about Islam and how to apply it in your daily life.

An Introduction to Islam – A Comprehensive Course for New Muslims

Course Overview

Welcome to our “Introduction to Islam” course, designed specifically for new Muslims who are eager to learn more about the fundamental beliefs, practices, and values of Islam. This comprehensive course is designed to provide a solid foundation for your spiritual journey,
helping you navigate the intricacies of Islamic teachings and become a confident, practicing Muslim

Course Objectives

– Understand the core beliefs and principles of Islam
– Learn about the importance of the Quran and Hadith in Islam
– Familiarize yourself with the Five Pillars of Islam and their significance
– Discover the rituals and practices of Islam, including prayer, fasting, and charity
– Explore the values and ethics of Islam, including justice, compassion, and respect for all creation
– Develop a deeper understanding of Islam’s approach to spirituality and personal growth

Course Outline

Level 1 - Foundations of Islam

– Introduction to the beliefs and principles of Islam
– The Quran and Hadith: their importance and relevance in Islam
– The Five Pillars of Islam: their significance and purpose
– The role of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Islam

Level 2 - Islamic Practices and Rituals

– Prayer and its significance in Islam
– Fasting during Ramadan
– Charity and its importance in Islam
– The importance of the pilgrimage to Mecca

Level 3 - Islamic Values and Ethics

– The value of justice in Islam
– The importance of compassion and mercy in Islam
– Respect for all creation and the environment
– The role of family and community in Islam

Course Benefits

-Gain a deeper understanding of Islam and its teachings
– Develop a practical understanding of the Five Pillars of Islam and other important practices
– Learn how to apply Islamic values and ethics in your daily life
– Build a strong foundation for your spiritual growth and development
– Connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals

Course Format

The course will consist of interactive lectures that will be delivered through live sessions. In
addition, you will have access to a range of interactive learning materials, including quizzes,
assignments, and discussion forums.


Our team of instructors includes experienced scholars and practitioners who are passionate
about sharing their knowledge and expertise with new Muslims. They will provide you with
personalized guidance and support throughout the course


Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion, acknowledging
your achievement and recognizing your commitment to your spiritual growth.
We are confident that this course will provide you with a solid foundation for your spiritual
journey, helping you grow in your understanding of Islam and its teachings. Join us and
embark on this rewarding journey of discovery and growth.

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