
Islamic Aqeeda (Islamic Creed) Course

Do you long to strengthen your faith and connect with the core principles that shape our religion? Look no further! Welcome to our Islamic Creed course, designed to provide you with a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental tenets of Islam.

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental beliefs and principles of Islam, which are essential for a deep and meaningful connection with Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (peace be upon him). The course will cover the pillars of Islamic creed, including the belief in Allah, the Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and the Divine Decree.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Islamic Creed

–  What is Aqeeda?
– Importance of Aqeeda in Islam
– Understanding the concept of belief in Islam

Module 2: Belief in Allah

-The oneness of Allah (tawhid)
– The attributes of Allah
– The nature of Allah
– The importance of belief in Allah

Module 3: Belief in the Prophets

– Introduction to the concept of prophets in Islam
– The importance of belief in the Prophets

Module 4: Belief in the Day of Judgment

– The concept of the Day of Judgment in Islam
– The importance of belief in the Day of Judgment

Module 5: Belief in Divine Decree

The concept of Divine Decree (qadr)
– The nature of Divine Decree
– The importance of belief in Divine Decree

Module 6: Practical Applications of Aqeeda

The impact of Aqeeda on daily life
– The importance of Aqeeda in prayers and worship
– The role of Aqeeda in interpersonal relationships

Module 7: Common Misconceptions and Challenges

– Addressing common misconceptions about Aqeeda
– Dealing with challenges and doubts related to Aqeeda
– Strategies for maintaining strong beliefs in the face of adversity

Module 8: Conclusion and Final Thoughts

– Recap of the key concepts covered in the course
– The importance of Aqeeda in the modern world
– Final thoughts and recommendations for further study

Course Format:
– Each module will consist of live lectures, interactive quizzes, and reading resources
– The course will be self-paced, allowing students to learn at their own convenience

“Aqeeda: The Fundamentals of Islamic Creed” is a comprehensive course designed to provide
a deep understanding of the fundamental beliefs and principles of Islam. By the end of the
course, students will have a solid foundation in the Islamic creed and be able to apply these
beliefs in their daily lives.

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