
The Morning Adhkar

The Morning Adhkar

What is the meaning of  Morning Adhkar?
Adhkar is the plural form of the Arabic word Dhikr, which means remembrance of Allah (SWT).It

is a form of  worship that involves praising and glorifying Allah (SWT).

Every moment spent in Adhkar is a moment spent in remembrance of our creator, Allah SWT.

It is a form of worship that opens up our hearts to the love and guidance of Allah SWT.

May our tongues never tire of praising and glorifying Allah SWT, and may our hearts always be

filled with the remembrance of Him.

Adhkar or Supplications Hold Great Significance in Islam

Reciting the Morning Adhkar was a daily practice of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Morning Adhkar comprises verses from the Holy Quran, authentic supplications, and

invocations that were narrated by the Prophet.

The recitation of Morning Adhkar is believed to protect from all kinds of evil, including envy,

magic, the evil eye, and the devils’ evil plotting. These supplications and invocations are ordained

by Allah and are  meant to be recited regularly at certain times.

When Should the Morning Adhkar be Read?

It’s highly recommended to recite the Morning Adhkār sometime between Fajr and sunrise.

However, if for some reason you are unable to do so during these times, you can make up for

them later. For instance, if you happen to

go back to sleep after the Fajr prayer, you can recite them after waking up. Alternatively, you can

also read them  right before Al-Duha Prayer.

The Benefits of Morning Adhkar

• Spiritual Connection with Allah (SWT)

Adhkar serves to establish a strong connection with Allah (SWT). By reciting morning

supplications, Muslims remember and acknowledge the presence of their Creator in their daily

lives. It helps in cultivating a sense of  mindfulness and spirituality.

By reciting specific verses and supplications during Morning Adhkar, we are not merely

performing a ritual; we  are connecting with our purpose and our Creator. This practice provides

a spiritual anchor for the day, reminding us of our deep sense of purpose and connection with


As we begin our day with Morning Adhkar, we set a contemplative and intentional tone, allowing

us to navigate our daily lives with a heightened awareness of the spiritual dimension of our


Starting the day with Morning Adhkar enhances spiritual awareness and reminds of connection

with Allah.

• Practicing Gratitude Every Day

Reciting Morning Adhkar helps us express gratitude to Allah (SWT) for His blessings and favors.

Muslims are encouraged to be grateful for the countless blessings they receive, ranging from basic

necessities to spiritual well-being. Reciting these supplications helps instill a sense of gratitude

and contentment.

The practice of Morning Adhkar encourages believers to reflect on their blessings and express

gratitude to Allah.

This mindfulness sets a positive tone for the day and fosters appreciation for life’s gifts.

Allah says: ” If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them.

Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

(Quran 16:18)

• Protection and Blessings

Morning Adhkar includes several verses from the Holy Quran and supplications from Sunnah

that aim to seek Allah’s protection from harm and invite His blessings. These invocations provide

a sense of divine shield and guidance to believers, helping them navigate through the challenges

of the day with ease.

Many Adhkar are specifically designed to seek Allah’s protection from various forms of harm, evil,

and temptations. Muslims believe that reciting these supplications can serve as a shield against

negative influences and evil spirits.

It was mentioned that the prophet (PBUH) said to read the Surahs of “Al-Falaq” and ”Al-Nas”

every morning to ask for Allah’s protection from any evil.

Reciting Adhkar is believed to act as a barrier against the influence of Shaitan and prevents

Mankind and Jinn from causing harm to the person reciting them.

Those who recite Adhkar daily build a fortress around themselves, protecting them from any type

of evil.

Unfortunately, many Muslims are unaware of the significance of these Adhkar and do not recite

them regularly.

As a result, they often fall prey to Shaitan and his associates from Mankind and Jinn, leading a

life of misery and depression.

• Emotional Well-being

The calming effect of reciting Morning Adhkar can positively impact an individual’s emotional


It serves as a moment of introspection and serenity, promoting a more centered and balanced


Some Examples of The Morning Adhkar “Morning Supplications”

• “Alhamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah):

Muslims say “Alhamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah) to acknowledge His blessings, guidance, and

mercy upon waking up.

• “Subhan Allah” (Glory be to Allah):

Muslims recite “Subhan Allah” (Glory be to Allah) to acknowledge the perfection and greatness of

Allah. It is a way to recognize His infinite attributes and express awe and reverence.

• “La Ilaha illa Allah” (There is no God but Allah):

Muslims recite the declaration of faith, which states “La ilaha illa Allah” (There is no God but

Allah). This affirmation reminds them of the Oneness of Allah.

• “Allahumma inni asbahtu ush’hiduka, wa ush’hidu hamalata ‘arshika, wa

mala’ikataka, wa  jamee’a khalqika,

annaka anta Allah, la ilaha illa anta, wahdaka la sharika laka, wa anna Muhammadan ‘abduka wa rasuluka” (O Allah, I have reached the morning and I bear witness to Your Oneness, and I bear

witness that the bearers of

Your throne, the angels, and all of Your Creation bear witness that You are Allah, there is no God

worthy of worship except You alone, and that Muhammad is Your servant and Messenger).

• “Allahumma bika asbahna”

(O Allah, by Your leave we have reached the morning):

This supplication acknowledges that waking up in the morning is by the permission and Will of


• “Allahumma inni as’aluka khayra haadha al-yawm”

(O Allah, I ask You for the goodness of this day):

Muslims seek Allah’s blessings and ask for a day filled with goodness, success, and righteousness.

• “Allahumma Innee A’udhu Bika min sharri ma fi hadha al-yawm”

(O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of this day):

Muslims seek Allah’s protection from any harm, evil, or trials they may encounter during the day.

In Conclusion,

the essence of these supplications is to instill a sense of mindfulness, gratitude, and reliance on

Allah in the hearts of believers.

Muslims should incorporate these practices into their daily routines to start and end

their days with a spiritual focus, following the example and teachings of Prophet Muhammad


As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the Morning Adhkar stands as a timeless

practice that offers solace, protection, and spiritual nourishment.

In the quiet moments of the morning, believers find a sanctuary in these verses and supplications,

fortifying themselves for the challenges and joys that await them throughout the day.

Embracing the beauty of Morning Adhkar is not just a religious ritual; it is a pathway to a more

centered and spiritually enriched life.

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