
The Importance of Patience to Every Muslim

The Importance of Patience to Every Muslim

Patience, or (Sabr) in Arabic, holds immense importance in the life of every Muslim. It is a highly

valued virtue and compelling evidence of one’s profound and sincere faith in Allah’s wisdom. By

demonstrating patience, one acknowledges that Allah’s plans are wise and just and that they will

come to fruition in due time.

Allah (SWT) highly values and rewards those who practice patience. The reward of patience is

great, especially when coupled with unwavering belief in Allah’s plans and the wisdom behind

them. By exercising (Sabr), one can cultivate a deeper connection with Allah (SWT) and

ultimately attain a state of inner peace and contentment.

In the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2, Verse 153) Allah Says:

“O believers! Seek help in Sabr and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient.”

This verse emphasizes that patience is a means of seeking help and support from Allah (SWT). It

highlights that those who are patient and steadfast in their prayers will find Allah’s assistance.

Meaning of Patience

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Said: “The real patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.”

The meaning of patience can be understood as the ability to remain calm, composed, and

steadfast in the face of difficulties, challenges, or delays. It involves enduring hardships or

setbacks without complaining, reacting impulsively, or losing hope.

Patience encompasses inner strength, self-control, and a positive attitude while maintaining

perseverance and resilience.

Patience is the key to unlocking the doors for more blessings. Patience is the attribute of believers

who trust Allah (SWT) and believe that after every hardship comes ease.

Patience is a Reflection of Trust and Faith

Patience is rooted in trust and faith in Allah and his encompassing wisdom and knowledge. It

involves believing that things will work out in due time and having confidence in the divine

wisdom of the unfolding events.

Patience Reflects a Total Acceptance of Allah’s Choices.

Having patience means accepting and embracing the blessings of the present moment, and

acknowledging that some things cannot be controlled or changed.

It involves letting go of unnecessary worries, regrets, or expectations and finding contentment in

what is.

Patience is accompanied by a positive mindset and outlook, which allows individuals to maintain

optimism, hope, and resilience even when facing challenging circumstances.

By focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on problems, patience enables individuals to

navigate difficult situations with more ease and grace.

The Importance of Patience in Islam

Islam places great emphasis on the importance of patience, as it leads to numerous benefits such

as better outcomes, improved relationships, reduced stress, and personal and spiritual growth. A

lot of Quranic verses, and Hadiths stress the importance of (Sabr) and highlight the rewards that

come with it.

Patience in Islam is the ability to remain calm and wise in adversity, accompanied by strong faith

in Allah.

In Islam, it is highly encouraged for Muslims to practice Sabr in every aspect of their lives,

whether it be dealing with personal struggles or interacting with others. Through the act of

patience, Islam teaches that one can develop tolerance and improve relationships through

understanding and considering others’ feelings and needs, as well as seeing things from different


Islam also emphasizes the importance of managing one’s emotions and impulses. Muslims are

encouraged to avoid anger and to respond to difficult situations with patience and understanding.

As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said, “The strong is not the one who overcomes the

people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger.”

Also, the Prophet (PBUH) said: Abu Hurairah narrated, ‘A man said, “O Messenger of Allah,

advise me.” The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: “Do not get angry.” The man repeated that

several times, and he replied, “Do not get angry.”

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for

him in everything, and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity attends him, he expresses

gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently

and that is better for him”. [Muslim]

With consistent practice of patience; one can elevate their ability to empathize, gain clarity, and

grow spiritually.

Hadiths on the Virtues of Patience

There are several hadiths (Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, PBUH) that highlight the virtues

and rewards of Sabr.

1-The Prophet Muhammad once said, “No one is given a better or more abundant gift than

patience.”[Sahih Al-Bukhari]

2- The Hadith: “Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety, a grief or

mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah will expiate his sins on account of his

patience”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

This hadith highlights that even the smallest difficulties faced by a believer, such as a minor

injury, can be a means of expiation for sins. It encourages Sabr and reminds believers that

their endurance in the face of hardships is rewarded by Allah (SWT)

3- The Beautiful Hadith when Abu Bakr asked: O Messenger of Allah, will we receive recompense

for every bad deed we do? The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: `May Allah have mercy on you, O Abu

Do you not become exhausted?

Do you not feel sad?

Don’t calamities befall you?

This is the recompense that you receive.”

These Hadiths inform us that every hardship is a blessing because every hardship erases our bad

deeds and purifies our sins.

In conclusion,

it is essential to grasp the significance of Sabr its benefits and its role in our

lives. We can learn from the examples of the prophets, who showed Sabr during difficult

times. As Muslims, we look up to the prophets as role models and learn from them how to

persevere through hardships with patience positivity , and trust in Allah’s wisdom and decree.


Truly, Sabr helps us to grow spiritually , purify ourselves, and receive rewards and blessings

from Allah (SWT).

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