
The Six Pillars of Iman

The Six Pillars of Iman

The Six Pillars of Iman

Islam encompasses several fundamental beliefs that form the core of the religion. These beliefs

are shared by Muslims worldwide and are derived from the Holy Quran, the hadith (sayings and

actions of the Prophet Muhammad), and scholarly interpretations.

The Fundamental Beliefs in Islam or the Pillars of Beliefs


Belief in Allah. Tawheed (Oneness of Allah): Muslims believe in the absolute oneness of Allah

(SWT). They affirm that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and He has no partners,

associates, or offspring. This belief in the oneness of Allah is the central principle of Islam.


1- Frist Pillars of Iman: Belief in Sent Books


Belief in sent books (Divine Books): Muslims believe that Allah revealed divine books as guidance

for humanity. The Quran is considered the final and most complete revelation, superseding all

previous scriptures. Muslims also believe in the original scriptures given to earlier prophets, such

as the Torah to Moses and the Gospel to Jesus, although they believe that these books have

undergone changes over time.

2-Second Pillars of Iman: Belief in the Angels


Muslims have faith in the existence of angels as an integral part of their belief system. Angels are

seen as part of the unseen world, carrying out the commands of Allah (SWT) and playing

significant roles in the divine plan.

in the Islamic belief, are spiritual beings created by Allah (SWT). They are made of light and exist

in a realm that is beyond human perception. Angels are obedient servants of Allah who carry out

various tasks assigned to them.

3- Third Pillars of Iman:Belief in Allah’s Angels

Muslims believe in Angels’ Creation: Angels were created by Allah (SWT) before the creation of

human beings. They are purely spiritual beings and do not possess physical bodies like humans.

Purpose of the angels: Angels have specific functions and responsibilities as assigned by Allah

(SWT). They worship and glorify Allah, deliver divine messages and revelations to the prophets,

record human deeds, and fulfill other tasks according to Allah’s command.

Characteristics of the angels: Angels possess unique qualities bestowed upon them by Allah

(SWT). They are described as obedient, honorable, and free from any sins or flaws. They do not

possess free will and always act in accordance with Allah’s commands.

Archangels of the angels: Among the angels, there are prominent archangels who hold significant

roles in Islamic belief. The most well-known archangel is Gabriel (Jibril), who is associated with

the delivery of revelations from Allah (SWT) to the prophets (PBUT). Other archangels

mentioned in Islamic tradition include Michael (Mikail), Raphael (Israfil), and Azrael (the angel

of death).

Angels’ Interactions with Humans: While angels are not visible to humans in their true form,

Islamic tradition mentions instances where angels have interacted with human beings. For

example, Gabriel played a central role in conveying the Quranic revelations to the Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH).

Guardian Angels: Muslims believe that Allah assigns angels to protect and watch over individuals.

These guardian angels are believed to record a person’s deeds and provide both physical and

spiritual protection.

4- Fourth Pillars of Iman:Belief in the Messengers


Muslims believe in the prophethood of numerous messengers sent by Allah (SWT) throughout

history to guide humanity. The final prophet is Muhammad (PBUH), who received the revelation

of the Holy Quran. Muslims respect and believe in the authenticity of the previous scriptures,

such as the Torah and the Gospel, but consider the Holy Quran as the final and most

comprehensive revelation.

Some of the messengers mentioned in the Holy Quran include:


1- Adam (Adam)(PBUH): Considered the first human and prophet, Adam was chosen by Allah

and guided by divine revelations.

2- Noah (Nuh)(PBUH): Noah was sent to his people to warn them of a great flood and to call

them to worship Allah alone. He built an ark as instructed by Allah to save the believers and all

other creatures which Allah commanded him to save.

3- Abraham (Ibrahim)(PBUH): Abraham was a significant prophet who received numerous

revelations from Allah. He is revered as the father of monotheism and played a crucial role in

establishing the foundations of faith.

4- Moses (Musa)(PBUH): Moses was chosen by Allah to liberate the Children of Israel from

slavery in Egypt. He received the Torah and brought guidance and laws to his people.

5- Jesus (Isa)(PBUH): Jesus is considered a prophet and messenger of Allah in Islam. He was

born to the Virgin Mary and performed miracles. Muslims believe in his virgin birth and his

teachings, but they do not consider him to be divine or the son of Allah.

6- Muhammad (PBUH): Muhammad is the last and final messenger of Allah. He received the

Quran, the final revelation, over a period of 23 years. Muhammad’s mission was to convey the

message of Islam to all of humanity and establish the Islamic community (ummah).

5-Fifth Pillars of Iman:Belief in Day of Resurrection


Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment or the day of resurrection, a future event when all

individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their actions in the worldly life. On this

day, people will be rewarded or punished based on their deeds, and justice will prevail. Belief in

the Day of Judgment serves as a motivation for individuals to lead righteous lives and fulfill their


Accountability in front of Allah (SWT)


In the last day, each person will be held accountable for their actions in their earthly life. Allah

will judge them based on their deeds, intentions, and the choices they make. The scales of justice

will be established, and every action, whether big or small, will be considered.

Based on their deeds, individuals will receive their recompense. Those who lived a righteous life,

following the teachings of Islam and doing good deeds, will be rewarded with Paradise (Jannah),

the eternal abode of bliss and happiness. Conversely, those who engaged in evil deeds and

rejected faith may face punishment in Hell fire (Jahannam).

6-Sixth Pillars of Iman:Believe in Destiny (Al-Qadar)


Muslims believe in the concept of divine predestination (Al-Qadar). They believe that Allah

(SWT) has knowledge of all things, and everything happens according to His divine plan. While

humans have free will and are responsible for their choices, Allah’s knowledge extends to all

events past, present, and future. Allah (SWT) is the All-Knowing Who knows everything, and He

alone knows what will happen tomorrow.

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